Monday, April 22, 2013

The Latest...

Time for another update! My days have been flying by here, and I haven't really found the time to blog, so I'll try to sum it up quickly. A friend from Crested Butte (Josh Melnick) was in Vienna on vacation with his mom last week. It was really awesome to see familiar faces and show them a few of my favorite places in Vienna. Babsi invited them over for dinner on Tuesday night where she made a very Austrian meal of Wiener Schnitzel and apple streudl. It was weird to speak English with my host family again since I really haven't since August. It was perfect practice for Theresa though who had a big English test the next day!
Basically the whole week I spent my afternoons with Josh or other exchange students and I felt like I wasn't home at all! We've made a list of all the things I'd like to get done before I leave (which I'm trying to accomplish one thing at a time on these sunny afternoons!)
On Saturday, I was invited to go to a play with Kathi (a school friend) in the evening. The play was Lord of the Flies (in German of course) and it was really good! I thought it was going to be hard to pull off but they did a great job! I was also super stoked because I understood all of it, which is a big indicator of how much better my German has gotten! I met up with some friends after the play but didn't stay out too late because I'd been feeling pretty tired from my big week. Plus I knew I needed to be up early the next morning for our trip to the Wochau.
Which brings us to yesterday... Some of you may recall I was in the Wochau in the fall, where all the colors were outrageous and I felt like I was in Italy! Well this time I was just as pleased with the spring colors of the Wochau. We went in search of apricots, but since in was such a late spring, didn't find any. The blooming trees were absolutely beautiful nonetheless and I had so much fun playing with the new camera lens I got for Christmas! I'm having troubles with my computer and can't upload the pictures but I'll get them up here as soon as I figure my computer out (I think it's time for a new one soon as this one is getting slow with all my exchange collections!) My class is in Rome this week, so I plan on spending trying to cross some of those things off the list! And continue enjoying the beautiful sunshine!!

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