Friday, February 22, 2013

Church Tour and More!

So the way the Austrian school system works, is if a teacher is missing, class just gets cancelled rather than getting a substitute. I also don't have to go to Latin or French class here, so I have a pretty open schedule. On Wednesday, by Ethics class was cancelled, so I got out of school at 10 am. I decided to take advantage of that, and of the excellent "Vienna's Best Churches" book I got for Christmas, and I organized an adventure. I picked out some of my favorite churches from the book, mapped out a route, and headed out with my camera in hand. It was fun to be a tourist again and to really enjoy the city of Vienna! I explored a part of the city that I haven't been to in a while, and indulged in a little window shopping. I really enjoyed the solitude of the churches, and how different they all were. The weather was kind of acting like the weather in Colorado normally does, and it changed about every 10 minutes. I would walk into one church in the pouring rain and come out to a snow storm! The sun even decided to grace the city of Vienna with it's presence, which was a gift all its own! It's been a pretty dark and cloudy winter and to feel the actual warmth of the sun on my face was pretty delightful! It is starting to come out more often and lasting longer, which means spring is finally coming! I am definitely looking forward to a little more Vitamin D! Anyways, I ended my day in a typical Viennese cafe with the best hot coacoa I've ever had! Overall it was an excellent day!

Not a church, but just one of my everyday views!

This alter is entirely made of wood

Everyone in Crested Butte is on school break this week so I've been Skype-ing with a lot of my friends lately. That makes me very happy and sad at the same time, and I think I need to seperate myself from that media for a while! I miss them all very much, but at the same time I am not feeling ready to go back to that yet! I've got 17 weeks from Monday until I fly home, and when you put it that way it doesn't seem too long! I'm really looking forward to everything I've got coming up in those weeks and hopefully making the most of every day like I did on Wednesday! My German course ended today so now I'm going to have some more free time! I will continue studying German though, and in May I am going to take a test to see if my German is proficient enough to study at the university here. Just to keep that option open, and to have that certified German that counts for credit in America!

As it starts to warm up I hope to start running again and maybe test out how my foot is doing. I also am considering taking a cooking or baking course, and I might start teaching a friend in my class guitar! Just a few things to fill up the free time! I wanted to send out a quick thank you for all the birthday cards and gifts! Grandma and Grandpa sent me a card with a bunch of pictures from me growing up, and my host family really enjoyed looking at those! Karleigh also sent a very loving card and I'm waiting to read the others on my real birthday! Almost 17 years old! Woohoo!

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