Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kunst und Freunde!

            This Thursday I met with my German class at a private art exhibit we were invited to. The art was really beautiful, and of course, we were given the task of finding our favorite painting and writing about it in German. I found my favorite pretty quickly. It was a landscape of a valley with mountains surrounding it. It looked a lot like Crested Butte looking up valley towards the Paradise Divide. I was pretty amazed by the similarity, and how well the artist was able to depict this mountain range with only water colors. Then my mind was blown, as I was told that the artist was born without arms, and he paints everything with his feet! It was sooo cool! A few minutes later, the artist himself, Heinz Halwachs, showed up and did a live demonstration for us! It was super cool to watch, and I have total respect for that man! He has every reason in the world to just give in to life’s troubles and stop trying. But instead, he’s flourishing and creating beautiful works. People like this inspire me so much. So much strength there!
Heinz, painting with his feet

One of his works! He did that with his FEET!

            After the art show, we went to a nearby café and studied some German! Oh my gosh, this language is incredibly frustrating sometimes! I’ve basically been told it’s virtually impossible for me to become fluent in just one year over here! There are so many little details and rules I have to remember and when I’m talking, I don’t have enough time to think about that! But hopefully that will start to come with time! I’m super nervous for the German test I have to take with Rotary in December. Apparently if we fail, we have to go back home to America. Soooo I’m studying pretty hard! I’m so not ready to go home yet!

            Which brings up the point of homesickness. Based on our big Facebook groups, and just talking with friends, I think a lot of us are getting homesick for the holidays. For me, it truly hasn’t been awful. There are some moments when I just want my mom, or to see my friends for a day. But that kind of thinking just keeps me stuck back home, and I try to just stay in the present over here. That usually helps, and I just have to immerse myself deeper every day. But this weird thing has been happening lately. Even though I miss people, I by all means don’t want to go home! At all! And I’m actually starting to dread having to go back! Good thing I’ve got over 7 months left over here!

             Yesterday, I was invited to a dinner at my school friend Kathi’s house. This was a big deal, considering everyone there was Austrian! That means I officially have Austrian friends! Haha Kathi’s parents had just bought this mini stove thing. It sits on the table and you can fry meats and veggies on the top stone, and then melt cheese underneath. Kathi and Sofie went grocery shopping beforehand, and ended up buying way too much food! So we feasted last night! We even finished the night with chocolate ice cream cake and hot chocolate! We played a really fun board game, where we all had cards with strange pictures on them. Then we had to tell a story about one picture, and guess which one was correct! It was a super creative game, and I was so proud that I understood all of that German! We spent the rest of the night talking and playing Wii. I had a really great time getting to know the girls in my class better! I’m stoked that I can finally understand almost everything, and those moments where I just nod and agree are so seldom now! I basically was grinning from ear to ear the entire night!

Me, Kathi, Sofie, and Johanna
A quick storie about this picture. So we got a phone call that the house next door was on fire, so naturally we ran outside.... with the camera. There were a bunch of fire trucks and ambulances, but by the time we got there nothing was burning. So naturally, Kathi thought it would be a good time to take a picture. The reason we are blue is fromt the ambulance lights!

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